

Variabel diffusor och absorbent


RPG Biffusor är en variabel akustisk produkt med diffusion på ena sidan och absorption till största delen på den andra. Den kan monteras på ett sätt där den kan roteras och man kan på så sätt enkelt ändra akustiken i rummet. Särskilt bra i inspelningsrum, musikrum och studios.

One side of the Biffusor consist of QRD 734 diffuser. QRD 734 is a 1D diffuser that diffuses in one plane and has been widely used in projects all over the world. The other side is a combination product with absorbing material in the well base, and has some nearfield diffusion and scattering.

Diffusion measurement effect compared to a reflector:

Diffusion Coefficient

Absorption measurement with mounting flushed to the wall (A mounting) and mounting with airgap (E mounting):

Absorption Coefficient

Dimension and weight:
1200 (h) x 600 (b) x 230 (d) mm and
600 (h) x 600 (h) x 230 (d) mm

Weight: 13-28 kg

MDF or veneer
Varnish or paint
Wells covered with sound transparent fabric

Integrated Batten mounting or bespoke wall brackets. Special wall mounting allows the units to be turned 180 degrees.